Friday, October 16, 2009

LOVE is in the air

After buying the 35th anniversary version of The Giving Tree, I sat in the hole of the children's corner at Borders reading my new book when I heard a little girl's voice saying, "Appa, appa!" Although it caught my ear, I ignored my urge to be a creeper and people-watch.. but after she continued to speak to her father in Korean, asking him to look at a new book or to follow her, I left my backpack and book to spy on them. Unfortunately I couldn't find them because I was too late. I guess I'm kind of homesick.. but I think it's just me wanting to run away from all the responsibilities I have here. I realized that the college life is so secluded and not as "real world" as people always made it out to be. It's funny because in high school, college classifies as the "real world," but in college, the "real world" is after graduation. Anyhow, we're surrounded by thousands of people that are the same age as us, that it's peculiar to see children and parents and adults beside professors. That's why I like going off campus at times-- to see other kinds of interaction.

For instance, when I was taking the metro line and saw these two older men talking as if they were old friends, though they had just met. They helped me realize I had missed my stop and told me how to get back on track. Or how a younger guy was walking up and down the aisle freestyling aloud while stomping a genius beat. Sometimes it's scary and I get paranoid about being in a bus-full of strangers, but it only lasts a few moments before I realize how much I enjoy it. All these strangers headed in one direction.

On another note, I was walking back from class today when I saw a few people looking up at the sky. Being curious, I looked up too, and saw this:

I stayed there waiting for another half-hour for the YOU which appeared on the other side:

If it was a proposal.. Hope she said yes (:

I want to watch The Right Stuff but I don't think anyone has a copy and I can't find it online.


  1. wow what a creative title! and so appropriate!
    and i just saw you like 5 mins ago!

  2. your entries always make me smile :) and i know how it feels to miss the time i ended up in downtown asuncion (capital of paraguay, about 30 minutes from where i currently live) because i didn't realize that my bus wasn't the one with a circular route. fortunately a friend recognized me on that crowded bus (some crazy providential grace!!), and she helped me find me way back home.

    another time i rode all the way to the bus parking lot at the end of the line hahaha. but i love being around all the different people you meet on public transportation! what a truly creative God we worship. He makes some interesting people :)

  3. haha, i forgot to comment awhile ago on this. and to answer your question: yes, but only in part (1 Cor. 13:12). Hope you're having a nice one!

  4. What a lovely book choice and story about your time in the book store. You definitely captured a wonderful moment in the sky.
